Sunday, June 24, 2007

Just some reminders

  1. WE are doing meals together, scroll on down to meals
  2. Pack as light as possible
  3. remember that your eyes are bigger than your stomach - don't think you will eat three time as much on this trip as you regularly do at home. so bring only what you will eat - I'm talking about snacks and drinks
  4. There is a cost associated to this trip - As Rod and I figure out the numbers, we will post them.
  5. if you are traveling with someone, help with gas for your ride - this includes quads and boats if they will take the money.
  6. try to switch out your fishing partners so that we can get to know each other better
  7. Help set up the main camp - includes tarps and firewood
  8. bring earplugs - you will understand at night - there appears to be a few with deviated septums or fat build up in the nasal cavity. the resonation of the few has the ability to awake the many.
  9. on the right side of this website, is the access to the lakeland PDF map. print a copy for yourself - it helps to know where you are going.
  10. if you need a lifejacket let me know and I can fix you up


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